Local Veterans Celebrate U.S. Marine Corps 246th Birthday

Veterans Day always falls right after the Marine Corps birthday.

William (Bill) and Karen Tobin of Clovis, are Veterans who celebrated the U.S. Marine Corps 246th birthday on Wednesday, Nov. 10 at Applebees.

The Tobin’s have been putting together the Marine Corps birthday celebration for three years in hopes to feed 50 Veterans at Applebees for free.

An empty table at the birthday celebration had a chair with a sign that said, “POW M.I.A” which is for those missing in action that are no longer here. “There are people that could have been here but they aren’t because they serviced us while we were at war,” said Mr. Tobin.

The Marine Corps dinner was filled with family and friends who showed their gratitude to the Veterans.

When asked about the importance of recognizing the Marine Corps and Veterans Day, Tobin said, “Some people don’t know what freedom is but they come here and find out and they want to stay.” Thank you to all who have served and continue to serve our country to guarantee our freedoms.

Brooke Chau
Brooke is a senior at Fresno State double majoring in Communication and Media, Communications and Journalism with an emphasis in broadcast journalism. Brooke is a senior at Fresno State double majoring in Communication and Media, Communications and Journalism with an emphasis in broadcast journalism. Brooke has a passion for storytelling and community. Brooke has experience in print news working for Oakdale Leader and The Collegian, as well as broadcast news by doing Fresno State Focus TV. She is also a student member of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) and takes part in the Youth Advisory Council for ABC30. Brooke is currently focusing on multimedia journalism for the remainder of her time at Fresno State, before graduation in May 2022.