Letter from the Publisher: Time for some R&R – Reflection and Resolution that is

Looking back at 2018 my first response is WOW! What haven’t we accomplished?

This past year has been the most substantial year for us since we began our paper in 2010.

To begin with the Clovis Roundup was honored to receive two Journalism awards from the CNPA. First place in the state for Best feature article “Clovis not just a gateway…a destination.” Also Third place in the state for Best School Sports section.

Billy has done a terrific job creating our new overall layout and design worthy of a first place award by any standard.

During the year we successfully transitioned to a multimedia platform which includes print, digital, e-newsletters, videos and social media.

We surpassed our goals for 2018 back in September and are well on our way to our 2019 goals. Some of these goals were:

  1. To begin video production.
  2. Establish an e-newsletter subscribership.
  3. To grow our digital readership as well as our social media.
  4. We also began introducing our paper to new residents by mailing our paper to alternating zip codes.

Much to our surprise and while focusing on our digital. Our print readership increased significantly. Our free distribution grew by 20% while our paid subscribership increased over 100%.

Finally, there is my personal favorite. Our move to our new location at Rodeo Plaza II. This move places us more centrally in Clovis. Making it easy to be anywhere in just minutes. We are also enjoying multiple lunch options within walking distance.

The additional space provided with this move is just right. While it provides us with the necessary room to grow during 2019 with no space wasted. In fact, if we continue at our current rate of growth, we will have outgrown this space by next year.

All this was possible due to the great community support we receive from you our readers and our advertisers. It is our advertisers that pay for Clovis Roundup to be produced and placed into your mailboxes and pick up locations. So, when reading the Clovis Roundup, remember this is made possible by our advertisers and to support them while shopping locally. Also, thank you to our readers. After all you, are the reason we work hard to bring you the news that matters to you our readers. Thank you for a productive 2018 and Happy New Year.

Donna Melchor
Donna Melchor is the owner and publisher of the Clovis Roundup. Her love and passion for the City of Clovis and its people is the inspiration behind this publication. For her dedication, Donna Melchor has also been honored as the 2012 Business Woman of the Year and as the recipient of the 2014 Spirit of Clovis award held by the Clovis Hall of Fame.