Letter from the Publisher: The New Normal

Clovis Roundup’s Publisher, Donna Melchor. (City of Clovis)

You hear it everywhere lately.  People referring to the “new normal.”  No thank you, sir! I will take the “old normal.”  However, until then all of us at Clovis Roundup are doing our best to keep you, our readers, informed of the latest updates on the COVID-19 pandemic.

We would like to remind you to like and follow our social media and subscribe to our e-newsletter for news and information as it becomes available.  We are also still mailing our papers to subscribers, but have limited our distribution locations at this time.  Due to nonessential business closures and limited access to other businesses, we are only stocking limited locations until our community returns to normal.    

If you have trouble finding a printed edition of our paper, feel free to give us a call at (559) 324-8757. 

Thank you to all of our readers and businesses for your continued support.  We will make it through this and be stronger for it. 

Donna Melchor

Donna Melchor
Donna Melchor is the owner and publisher of the Clovis Roundup. Her love and passion for the City of Clovis and its people is the inspiration behind this publication. For her dedication, Donna Melchor has also been honored as the 2012 Business Woman of the Year and as the recipient of the 2014 Spirit of Clovis award held by the Clovis Hall of Fame.