Letter from the Publisher: Did you Know?

I recently had a gestalt moment!

I realized that many of our readers may not be aware that the Clovis Roundup can now be read in four different formats. Of course, there is my favorite: the printed paper. Which, CR can be picked up at one of our many distribution locations or mailed to you by becoming a subscriber. It is also available to read digitally online at ClovisRoundup.com. We also post stories on social media that link directly to our website.

Finally, we email news as it happens to e-newsletter subscribers. So, if you don’t want to miss out on current events or be the last to know, like and follow our Facebook page and subscribe to our newsletter.

We also offer prizes and gifts to our subscribers through contests and random selections of winners. On April 23, we will be giving away tickets to the Clovis Rodeo. The winner will be announced on social media and through email. So, be sure to follow our social media for more details on the Clovis Rodeo ticket giveaway. You could be going to the rodeo on us.

Happy rodeo days to everyone from us here at the Clovis Roundup.

Donna Melchor
Donna Melchor is the owner and publisher of the Clovis Roundup. Her love and passion for the City of Clovis and its people is the inspiration behind this publication. For her dedication, Donna Melchor has also been honored as the 2012 Business Woman of the Year and as the recipient of the 2014 Spirit of Clovis award held by the Clovis Hall of Fame.