Letter from the Publisher: Celebrating 12 Years of Community News

Over the past 12 years the Clovis Roundup has been blessed with more than our share of the right people at the right time. Some of these individuals include Billy Xiong, Peg Bos, Valerie Shelton, Daniel Leon, Gabe Camarillo, April Blankinship, Carole Grosch, Ron Sundquist, Teresa Stevens, Catherine Kenney, Lenee Williams and of course my late husband, Kenny Melchor.

Each of these people helped us to achieve the next level in our growth due to their hard work and unique talent.

Some are still with us and some have moved on, but each of them will forever hold a special place in my heart.

I would like to acknowledge two new additions to our Roundup family, J.T. Gomez and Adam Solis. Both of whom have earned a place on our roster through their hard work and dedication.

I wish to thank everyone who at some time or another has contributed to our growth and success.

A special thank you to all our readers for all their support and words of encouragement.

Receiving a kind word through a letter, phone call, email, or comment online always lifts our spirits during even the worst of days. And please keep sending us those notes with your subscriptions. We read and cherish each and every one. We also take to heart all constructive criticism, suggestions, and complaints.

Without these we would not be able to make corrections and changes which usually help us to improve.

Last, but definitely not least, thank you to our advertisers. It is due to their support that you are holding this paper in your hands or reading it online. They are the reason we have been able to continue to grow. Please remember to support these local businesses. It is through our shared success that we can continue “The Clovis Way of Life.”

And yes, we still get those calls requesting a ride on one of the City’s transport buses!

Recently, one of these callers finally asked, “Why would you name your paper the Clovis Roundup?”

Out of all the daily calls over the past 12 years, she was the first person to ever pose this question.

Lady, you know who you are and I want you to know just how much I enjoyed explaining it to you.

Please call back anytime you feel like chatting. You earned one of those special places in my heart!

Donna Melchor
Donna Melchor is the owner and publisher of the Clovis Roundup. Her love and passion for the City of Clovis and its people is the inspiration behind this publication. For her dedication, Donna Melchor has also been honored as the 2012 Business Woman of the Year and as the recipient of the 2014 Spirit of Clovis award held by the Clovis Hall of Fame.