Governor Signs COVID-19 Stimulus Package for Californians

Governor Newsom discusses the COVID-19 relief package at a virtual press conference on February 23, 2021. (California Governor Facebook)

On February 23, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a $7.6 billion COVID-19 relief package for the state of California.

5.7 million residents who make less than 75,000 a year, will be receiving a one-time $600 stimulus check.

The relief package will also include immigrants.

Residents who are enrolled in various state and federal programs such as CalWORKS, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and State Supplementary Program (SSP) are also eligible for the stimulus check.

The new relief package will also provide $2 billion for small businesses. The funds will be added to the emergency grant program used in last November’s business relief package.

Last November, the state provided $500 million to emergency grants to struggling businesses. In the first round of the funding, over 334,000 applications were filed exceeding over $4.4 billion in aid.

Businesses with annual revenue between $1,000 to $2.5 million are eligible to apply for the emergency grant.

For more information, visit

Tori Lavon
Tori Lavon is a Multimedia Journalist from Reedley, California. She received her Bachelor's in Mass Communications and Journalism with an emphasis in Broadcasting from California State University, Fresno. Currently, she is a radio intern at One Putt Broadcasting. On occasion, Tori has the opportunity to be on-air with talent. She is getting her start in media. She has a passion for reporting, photography, and videography. Tori also has a love for art; she loves to draw, paint, and does pottery on the side. One day she hopes she can be on-air talent at a radio station as well.