City of Clovis Updates Outdoor Water Schedule

(Photo courtesy of skitterphoto/

The city of Clovis has updated its outdoor water schedule.

Effective April 1, 2022, the outdoor watering schedule for Clovis residents will change to three days per week. The schedule change is to accommodate season needs while still conserving water.

This change is scheduled twice per year and will remain in effect through the end of October 2022.

Customers with even-numbered addresses can water on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Odd-numbered addresses can water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. No homes are to water on Mondays.

Clovis residents are encouraged to be aware of the importance on conserving water. The city of Clovis recommends residents to only water on assigned days, reduce irrigation run times to eliminate runoff, take advantage of the city’s “water efficient appliance” rebate program and be mindful of daily water usage.

For any residents that have questions or would like assistance with setting their sprinkler timers to the new schedule, contact (559) 324-2600

Marc Anthony Lopez:
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