9/11 Workout Blends Fitness with Remembrance

A few of those who gathered Saturday morning, September 10th to workout at Doc’s Gym are seen here. Each year, around the September 11th date, Doc’s Gym is open to all of those who would like to workout in memory of those who lost their lives in the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. (Photo JT Gomez, Clovis Roundup)

Each year at Doc’s Gym in Clovis, a rather large group gathers to for a community workout in memory of the tragic 9/11 terrorist attacks. This group of extraordinary individuals don’t just use the event as an excuse to lift weights or even lift up each other, but rather as a way of showing their respects for those who were killed and those who sacrificed their lives trying to save others. 

General Manager and Head Trainer of Doc’s Gym, Victor Avila, made it known that Doc’s Gym welcomes everyone in the community to workout at their gym during this time.  “We don’t expect perfection, we know nobody’s perfect. We just ask that if you wanna come in to give it your all….main thing is everyone is welcome, there’s no judgment.”

He then went on to speak about their community workout remembering those who died during 9/11. 

“Today we’re commemorating, even though tomorrow is 9/11, it’s an event where we combine not only members and just regular members, but also we get police officers, firefighters, veterans – we just come together to celebrate and honor those who passed away during 9/11.”

Avila then went on to state that he and Doc’s Gym recognized the differing schedules for the weekend, and cited this as the reason for the three day weekend workout. 

“Traditionally, the workout in most gyms is tomorrow,  [on the actual 9/11 date] but we kinda realized that everyone has a different schedule, so we literally just ran it the whole weekend.”

He recognized that prior to the past four years he’s been there, Doc’s Gym had run the community workout for multiple years, although it was initially a smaller group. “Before it was kind of a closer group, but now we open it up to the public.”

As a group together, workouts were completed individually, and Doc’s Gym also does events for certain specific dates and events such as Breast Cancer Awareness or Marine Corps Birthdays. 

“For me, being a veteran, I joined the Marine Corps because of 9/11. So, to me, it has a special meaning. But even to the people that are not law enforcement, it’s important for them to know it’s not about political beliefs, not about religious beliefs…At the end of the day, we as a country were attacked and we [feel] we need to come together and pay our respects for those who lost their lives.”

Doc’s Gym, located at 263 N. Minnewawa, offers assistance in meeting fitness goals. Their website states, “Our great trainers and programs will ensure to take you to the next level in your fitness journey.” 

Their 9/11 Tribute Workout lasted from Friday September 9th to Sunday September 11th. 

J.T. Gomez: JT is a recent college grad with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. He is mainly interested in sports and entertainment but covers a wide array of subjects. He currently writes for the Fresno State Baseball Dugout Club. JT looks forward to continuing his career at the Clovis Roundup and is excited to be working closely with a community that is very proud of its people.
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