Tough like Tristen: The hope for victory in the fight against cancer 

Crews on Truck 41, Engine 42, and Engine 43 joined to support a member of our department in the drive-by send off of his nephew, who is also a member of the Clovis community. (Photo Clovis Fire fb)

July 31, 2023 – Can you be tough like Tristen? Tristen Graham, 9-years-old, set the bar very high as he has battled cancer not once, but twice after a recent relapse.

Back in 2019, parents Tiffanie and Tyler Graham received the news that Tristen was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. The Graham family has been fighting ever since to make sure they can call Tristen a cancer survivor.

In December of 2021, Graham had achieved kicking cancer out of his life, and celebrated by ringing a bell that survivors blare in the hospital after treatment is done.

Graham had transitioned back to everyday life, getting back to school and playing sports. April 3 of this year was the day the Graham family realized their battle was not over.

Since then, Tristen and his family have been preparing for intense medical treatments that will help get rid of the cancer. Tristen has also been carrying a backpack everywhere with him that is helping to provide immunotherapy.

Now Graham is recovering at Stanford Cancer Center after undergoing several radiation treatments and receiving a bone marrow transplant from his father.

Tristen’s parents prepared his trip to Stanford on July 3 by having all of their supporters line the streets of Dewitt avenue in Clovis to send him off with the love and hope they have for him to be cured.

Multiple small businesses such as Pharaohs Car Club of Clovis, Moravia Wines, and Monkey Dog Coffee have stepped up raising funds to show support for the Graham families’ mission.

The Graham family has been very active in the community to spread Tristen’s story and raise funds to aid in his cancer battle. This year the 4th annual Tough Like Tristen Golf Tournament will be held on September 16 at the Sherwood Forest Golf Course in Sanger for anyone wanting to help support their cause.

Multiple community fundraisers have been held and the Graham’s have received continued support from the community through their gofundme which has amassed to $45,730.

The Graham family have set their goal to hopefully reach $60,000. If you would like to donate, you can donate online at the website:

Nikki McCabe: Nikki is a Fresno resident and a graduate of Fresno State University, with a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Media Communications and Journalism. Nikki spent some time as a staff reporter at the Fresno State Collegian Newspaper, and now currently works part time at the KFSN-TV station in Fresno. She enjoys local community events, arts and entertainment, and crime news.
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