Letter from the Publisher

Letter from the Publisher: The Face Mask Face-Off

If you haven’t already noticed, there is a growing divide in our community over the wearing of face masks. Should…

Letter from the Publisher: The New Normal

You hear it everywhere lately.  People referring to the “new normal.”  No thank you, sir! I will take the “old…

Letter from the Publisher: What’s in a Name?

What’s in a name? Quite a bit. In 2010 when my husband Ken Melchor and I were deciding on a…

Letter from the Publisher: Happy 10th Year

If you didn’t notice, on our front-page header, the “O” in the middle of Clovis has been replaced with a…

Letter from the Publisher: Did you Know?

I recently had a gestalt moment! I realized that many of our readers may not be aware that the Clovis…

Letter from the Publisher: Time for some R&R – Reflection and Resolution that is

Looking back at 2018 my first response is WOW! What haven’t we accomplished? This past year has been the most…

Letter from the Publisher: Celebrating women in business

With October being National Women's Small Business Month, I want to take time to acknowledge all our Clovis businesswomen for…

Good News from the Publisher

Yes, every once in a while it happens – good news. After nine years of operating out of Clovis Storage…

Letter from the Publisher: Does advertising in the Clovis Roundup work?

When I’m out at business events, I often get asked “Does advertising in the Clovis Roundup work?” Yes, it does…