Buchanan High Wins Doc Buchanan Wrestling Invitational

Buchanan High School’s Wrestling Team won the Doc Buchanan Wrestling Invitational hosted January 7-8th at Clovis High School. (Photo from profile @buchananwrestling on Instagram)

“It’s all about the hat”, according to several wrestling teams, coaches, and team websites throughout Clovis’ high school wrestling scene.

“The hat” of course, is in reference to the Doc Buchanan Wrestling Invitational hosted by Clovis High School. 

In its 45th year, the tournament hosts “the finest teams and individual wrestlers in the State of California.”

For team results, Buchanan won the tournament taking home a team 1st place, with 242.5 points scored.

Second place went to Palm Desert with 171 points scored and third place went to St. John Bosco with 167 points scored. 

Other Clovis Unified High Schools participated in the tournament as well and placed accordingly out of 104 total schools from across California and the Western Region of the U.S.

Clovis High School, 6th place, 154.5 points

Clovis North, 25th place

Clovis West, 26th place

Clovis East, 75th place

Individual results for Clovis Schools in each weight class are as follows:


Rocklin Zinkin, Buchanan, 1st place

Thunder Lewis, Clovis High, 3rd place


Nikade Zinkin, Clovis High, 2nd place

Ray Harris Jr., Buchanan, 4th place


Joseph Toscano, Buchanan, 1st place


Cisco Cabrera, Buchanan, 8th place


Dario Lemus, Clovis High, 2nd place

Regino Raiz, Buchanan, 6th place


Devin Alexander, Buchanan High, 5th place


Leo Contino, Buchanan High, 6th place


Joe Buck, Clovis High, 5th place

Mason Espinoza, Buchanan, 6th place


Sloan Swan, Buchanan, 3rd place

Adrien Reyes, Clovis High, 4th place


Jonathan Rocha, Buchanan, 7th place


Keanu Trelles, Buchanan, 5th place


Kannon Campbell, Buchanan, 3rd place

David Ozuna, Clovis West, 4th place


Zack Limon, Clovis High, 3rd place

Alec Dansby, Buchanan, 7th place

JT is a recent college grad with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. He is mainly interested in sports and entertainment but covers a wide array of subjects. He currently writes for the Fresno State Baseball Dugout Club. JT looks forward to continuing his career at the Clovis Roundup and is excited to be working closely with a community that is very proud of its people.